
EP Review: Milk Teeth – Be Nice


Milk Teeth – Be Nice

Release date: 28th July 2017

Label: Roadrunner Records

As I gear up for the return of Hit The Deck tomorrow I thought it’d be a good idea to take a look at Be Nice, the new four track EP from Gloucestershire quarter Milk Teeth.

The band have garnered much attention in the media over the past 18 months and I am so glad that this has started to happen. Vile Child, their debut album released early 2016, is still pretty much on constant rotation on my record player. It has to be said though, that’s almost as much down to the simply gorgeous pastel design as it is the music. Vile Child was an album with a mix of grunge-y angst and catchy riffs and Be Nice follows a similar pattern.

‘Owning Your Okayness’ kicks us off with a track that many will be able to relate to. The difficulties of being in a relationship and the anxieties that come with it. This song isn’t just about relationships though, anxiety and other mental health problems are starting to get the attention that they have always needed and tracks like this will help. Music is an outlet for so many people and having young girls that will be inspired by Becky already will take solace in the fact that she is singing about issues they may be afraid to discuss.

‘Prism’ follows with a track aimed at an unnamed person that has tried to come between two people. It doesn’t hold back with its lyrical content, shooting lyrical daggers throughout each verse that would hit hard as home truths if the person in question has any sort of self-awareness. Musically this song is a bit more sombre, but the melody that it holds is addictive and the bassline makes me want to shove the track on repeat.

‘Fight Skirt’ takes us to the style of track that saw the back end of Vile Child, with Billy Hutton’s shouted vocals giving the track a much angrier feel than the previous two. It really highlights the difference in styles that these guys have to up their sleeves, but also the variations in the way people deal with issues. Some get angry, some get upset. Dealing with the issue is the most important thing though.

Closing out the EP is ‘Hibernate’. This track sees ‘Fight Skirt’ and does an about-turn and goes the other way. This soft, thoughtful track shows off Becky’s voice, but doesn’t rely on it being perfect. It is those imperfections that, as with a lot of things in life, truly make something real.

This EP has so much to offer across four short tracks it’s ridiculous. Milk Teeth are such an exciting prospect at the moment that I just cannot wait to see where they end up. Touring with Creeper was a great start as they’ll have such a lot of crossover in the fans, but their appeal is so wide-reaching I can’t see a ceiling they can’t break through.

Rating: 10/10

Recommended Track: All four. It’s impossible to choose here.

You can join the journey with ‘Milk Teeth’ here:




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